- PRAYER SERVICE is every Tuesday at 8:00 pm on Conference Call 712-432-8399. Access # 220492.
- Bible Study is every Wednesday at 6:30 pm on Zoom. Our Church Zoom information is: dial in: (646) 558 8656. Passcode: 328861. Online: Meeting ID: 967 554 3961 Passcode: fP2mB7
- The Annual Missionary Salad Luncheon will be February 15th at the Booker Dozier Recreation Complex. Tickets are $20. We are asking all members to donate 2 large salads please. Thank you in advance.
- Forgotten Harvest gives out free food on the 1st,2nd, and 3rd Thursday here at the church from 2pm-4pm. Please see Sis. Iris Tuddles, Jyll Reed, or Jai Simon for more information.
- There is FREE FOOD available from FORGOTTEN HARVEST downstairs. Everyone is welcome to it. See Bro. Jai Simon.
- Please Remember our SICK & SHUT INS and our BEREAVED. You never know how much a card, a call or a planned visit can brighten someone’s day!