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About Us


Where Our Members Are {the} Caring and Kind!


At Womack Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church you will discover sound biblical teaching(s) that is relevant to your daily life, while providing an atmosphere of authentic Praise and Worship. A warm and friendly body of believers welcoming you and the power of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to come worship with us as we celebrate Christ together. EVERYONE IS WELCOMED!


Worship with Us

Our Location:

28445 Cherry Street, Inkster, Michigan 48141

(734) 326-4822


Service Times

Sunday School:   9:30 am - 10:30 am
Sunday Service: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


Zoom Information:

Dial in: (646) 558 8656. Passcode: 328861.

Online: Meeting ID: 967 554 3961 Passcode: fP2mB7 

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